Friday 28 January 2011


Today I've recieved some hope: perhaps the worst is over. As mentioned in my earlier post 'backwards', cold countries seem to bizarrely (-something about air pressure blah blah blah) be colder on clear sunny days, and 'warmer' on cloudy, snowy, (aka depressing) days. So this morning, or whenever the sun finally decided to get up, I thought 'ugh... it must be freezing outside', but then I saw the little weather icon I have at the top of my firefox and it read +1C... I quickly grabbed my camera, opened my balcony door and yes! It was sunny, and it wasn't -20C outside! Lets just hope it keeps moving in this direction. :)

(I realize you can't actually SEE the sun in either photo, but thats because it's really not in the sky long enough to be captured yet!)

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